Thursday, 31 May 2012

Socket to me

Fired up my new temperature controlled soldering iron and carefully desoldered the z80 in my 'mod' Speccy today in preparation for it to be socketed. It wasn't too traumatic but I did sweat bucketloads while I was working away, it is the first major desoldering job I've ever tackled after all.


The socket I've ordered should arrive any day now and hopefully I haven't ruined the original z80 although I have a replacement one to hand just in case, then I need to start thinking about replacing the ROM with an EEPROM/EPROM - once that's all working correctly then I can order my IDE interface... 


  1. hi
    when you remove teh processor can you replace it with a processor and dma and ram especially rom area ram?

    can 7mhz processor work with existing ram chips - do they run at 3.5mhz only
    if 7mhz dma was bunged with 7mhz processor would it also only work at 3.5mhz when writing to internal ram?

    has anyone tried running 48k SNApshots using velesoft snapper disc sim coupe allows full 4mb exrternal ram this pages above 32768 and runs code un asic contentioned at 6mhz or there abouts 16k progrs would need reassembling above 32768 though 128 stuff still nightmare unless omeone figures out how to detect ram pages and second video ram page and modify code accordingly which for a machine with 32 mode 1 speccy screens youd think it wouldnt proove too difficult but then we still haventy got f16 or taswrod +2 ....

  2. It would really help if your comment made English sense...
